Heritage Jazz - Vision

Revolutionizing the Jazz scene in Goa besides playing an active role in promoting Jazz across the Country.

Heritage Jazz - About Us

Heritage Jazz has taken upon itself the task toward the betterment of society. The vision to protect and to nurture two old and graceful legacies of Time itself – the living heritage of Goa and Jazz, gave rise to a unique sensory art form called Heritage Jazz. It has contributed in many ways. One of its aims is taking music to the masses, particularly children. It has conducted many workshops tied up with schools such as Sharada Mandir and the Sunshine School.

Heritage Jazz has successfully organized peace concerts such as Jazz for peace, Fusion for jazz, etc, and has organized the famous Heritage jazz yatra incorporating global musicians such as George Brooks, Lenny Stern, Saskia Laroo, Tala Faral, Oliver Rajamani, Kadri Gopalnath, Pedro Moraes, Harikumar Sivaa, Harri Stojka, Ranjit Barot, Amit Heri and others. The concerts saw the participation from the younger generation where they talked about peace and the need for togetherness. It also featured peace walks, candle lighting, write in your space and other activities.